Robert Willard studied Economics and Slavic Studies at Columbia University, New York. He founded the World Aral Region Charity as a NGO to help connect young American volunteers with the Aral Region in innovative ecological volunteering. Robert has served in other organisations, including the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia, the UN Peace and Development Advisor for the South Caucasus, and the Albany-Tula Alliance. He is also has a background in theater pedagogy!

Robert Willard
Board of Directors
Gulsara Shirmatova holds a PhD in Political Science. She worked as the head of a department at the Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a consultant on national policy in the Office of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan. She is currently retired.

Gulsara Shirmatova
Founding Vice President

Nathan Rubene dos Santos
Nathan graduated with honors from Columbia University in 2020 and Stanford University in 2021 with a B.A. and M.A. in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, respectively. His academic research focuses on the assimilation of Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Brazil and the role of Saudade in the literary construction of Lusophone from the perspective of the subaltern. Currently, he works at the New York-based nonprofit Human Rights First, where he coordinates peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns and spearheads youth-centered board recruitment initiatives such as the Emerging Leaders Group (ELG). At the World Aral Region Charity, he has helped run the New Arts Initiative dedicated to spreading awareness on ecological challenges facing Uzbekistan through contemporary classical symphony concerts in New York City, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia since 2019.

During her time as an undergraduate at Columbia University, Kyra Ann Dawkins was first drawn to the World Aral Region Charity by its intentionality in centering education and young people in finding solutions to ecological problems. She hopes to serve WARC with her skill sets in grant writing, project development, and curriculum drafting. Prior to joining the WARC team, she served as an Executive Fellow for The Good Community in Cleveland, OH, where she helped to orchestrate educational initiatives. In addition to her commitments to educational non-profits, Dawkins is an avid author and writing instructor. She wrote her debut book, The We and the They, to create a narrative space where readers could experience a story as a member of a new collective.
Kyra Ann Dawkins
He graduated from the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi with a degree in software engineering. Since 2010, actively involved in volunteer activities. For a long time he was a volunteer and coordinator of the Time of Miracles initiative group. Also, he was one of the organizers of charitable activities in the center for coordinating assistance during the pandemic. Azamkhuja Rasulov was twice awarded state awards for his volunteer activities. Now he works in a large IT company in Uzbekistan, and is also an adviser to the director of the Association of Volunteers of Uzbekistan.

Azamkhuja Rasulov

Muhiddin Tojiev graduated from Khujand State University in 2005 with BA in Translation and Higher Education Diploma of English Teacher. While studying at university, he volunteered and worked as project assistant for the NGO "Centre for Democratic Transformations" and the NGO "The Fourth Estate". He also worked as Independent Contractor for BBC World Monitoring Service during his study at university. After graduation, he joined the British Embassy in Dushanbe as Press and Public Affairs Officer, then worked as Public Education Specialist at the International Finance Corporation in Tajikistan.
Muhiddin Tojiev

Sirojiddin Jalilov is a Master student of "Tashkent institute of irrigation and agriculture mechanization engineers " National research university in the field of "Hydraulic and engineering hydrology" as well as member of Academic council of "TIIAME" NRU. Also He is a winner of 2020 Republic competition of subject of "hydraulic", winner of several International and Republic start-up competitions, was awarded By Ministry of water resources of Republic Uzbekistan with the badge.
Sirojiddin Djalilov
Meet Our Team Leaders
Our Volunteers:
Administrative Team
Media Team
Project Development Team
Baimurat Abdimuratov
Shahnoza Hamzayeva
Shahzoda Karimboyeva
Elbek Haqberdiyev
Humoyun Mehridinov
Doston Darkhanov
Gulnora Yakhyaeva
Alisher Eshbekov
Anvar Rozimov
Maftuna Vohidjonovna
Madina Shodmonova
Munisa Burkhonova
Sara Dauletbayeva
Akbar Erkinov
Fyodor Amanov
Sayfullo Saidov
Aynura Erejepbayeva
Behruz Shukurov
Jasurbek Elmuratov
Aziza Akbaraliyeva
Our Interns:
Internship Program
WARC accepts interns ages 16-30 for a 6-month intensive program in project development, non-profit administration and media awareness. Under the guidance of our board and experienced volunteers, interns will learn the ins and outs of organizing meaning international ecological projects.
Are inaugural team of interns is currently completing their first 3 months of training! Succesful interns receive a certificate and are featured on our site.